Thursday, April 7


Do you remember when we first met I did not even know how to cook? Do you remember the day you said you didn't even care if I didn't know? Do you remember how you said my cooking was good even when it was burnt? Now even the best of my cooking feels like ash in your mouth. 

Do you remember all the late night we used to stay up just talking about you and me? Do you remember all the late night movies we watched? Do you remember how all those nights suddenly turned into you walking in with a bottle of rum in your hands? Now I never see you without. 

Do you remember telling me how beautiful I look no matter what I wear? Do you remember kissing my cheeks whenever I was close enough? Do you remember telling me you can't bear to not look at me? Now I don't even exist for you. 

Do you remember the day you told me you loved me? The way you wrote a poem for me and asked me to be with you? Forever? Do you remember the night you said your heart will always belong to me? Now you can't get away from me fast enough. 

Do you remember the day I stopped being the girl you loved? Do you remember the day everything changed? The day you found me with another man? Now all you remember is that day.


  1. ha haa.. nice way.. to put up..
    i like it very much..
    in the beginning, even the fart smells good.. later even the perfume stinks.. lol..

  2. Hahaa, I think you missed the last paragraph Mr! Hahaa! Cheatin! No wonder! :)
